Movie night?
Show Miles Between Us at your church, youth group, school, etc., with a license for public showings. A special event like a movie night can be a great way to share the message of Miles Between Us with those who need to hear it. It's a story of pain, hope, healing, and redemption.
What are people saying?
- "I LOVED "The Current." I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "Miles Between Us" all the more."
- "Every family should see this movie."
- "The storyline is captivating, and all too realistic in our culture today."
- "In a world of broken families and relationships, it is good to know that there is hope."
If the story of Miles Between Us moves you and you'd like to share it through a showing at your church, youth group, child's school, etc., (or some other venue outside of your home), you can obtain a public performance license here.
As with all movies -- by law -- a movie license is required for any group showing outside of personal home use (regardless of whether admission is charged). Federal Copyright law requires written permission for any showing of a movie occurring outside of personal, home use. This licensing program fulfills the Federal Copyright requirements for churches and non-profits. Miles Between Us is not covered by any other licensing program, such as CVLI or any other umbrella license program.
This is the only licensing program that fulfills these requirements.
We include with each license a packet which includes 8-10 mini posters that can be used to advertise the event. The license allows up to 5 showings in a 12 month period.
The license costs are determined by the Average Weekly Attendance of the church exhibiting it. Average Weekly Attendance is a self-choice option based on the average number of adults attending the church at the main service(s). This licensing allows for showings without requiring an audience report for each showing and is based on potential audience.
1-100 = $99
101-1000 = $199
1001+ = $299
We are also open to a simple free-will offering if your church is more comfortable doing it that way. Just let us know.
101-1000 is our standard license and is intended to cover the majority of all churches, specifically 100-1,000 adults attending the church on an average weekend and covers all local ministries and small groups of the church, and any and all non-profit organizations not serving as a church.
1-100 is an exception made specifically for churches with an average of fewer than 100 individuals in attendance at the main service.
1001+ is specific to any churches with an average of than 1,000 in attendance at the main services combined, specific to one campus.
Multi-campus churches must purchase a license for each campus. Special pricing is available by calling iiFilms directly: 612-850-8400.